Perú | Prior to SOLAMAC 2018
4th November
********** Next LAMLA meeting coming soon **********
3rd LAMLA Workshop at SOLAMAC
“Listening for Aquatic Mammals in Latin America”
04 November 2018, Lima, Perú
********** Next LAMLA meeting coming soon **********
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to participate in the upcoming workshop "Listening for Aquatic Mammals in Latin America" (LAMLA) to be held prior to the Latin American Society of Aquatic Mammal Experts (SOLAMAC) meeting in Lima, Peru, on sunday, Nov 4th.
In this third meeting, our aim is to bring together researchers, professionals, and students working on bioacoustics to communicate their work, interact with other researchers. We want to discuss directions for a coordinated regional bioacoustics network and collaboration, essential to strengthen both the scientific and conservation efforts on the species locally, nationally and internationally. This year, we'll also propose a training session in technical knowledge.
Please join us in order to:
· assess the effort to study sounds from all aquatic mammal species that occur in Latin America;
· share scientific information and methodologies between research groups;
· enhance conservation efforts, locally and internationally;
· define a platform for launching new partnerships, activities or projects.
We would like to encourage anyone with interest in these studies in Latin America to participate. Please, don't hesitate to forward this message to colleagues or person you think interested but keep in mind work has to be conducted in Latin America, no exceptions.
Preliminary schedule
8:30-9:00 ** Registration **
9:00-9:15 Welcome talk by Artur Andriolo
9:15-10:00 Keynote Address by Dr. Jay Barlow (NOAA)
10:00-11:00 Training session “Acoustic Analysis in R”
11:00-11:30 ** Coffee break **
11:30-13:00 Training session “Acoustic Analysis in R”
13:00-14:00 ** Lunch time **
14:00-16:00 Oral Presentations
16:00-16:30 ** Coffee break **
16:00-17:00 Oral presentations
17:00-18:30 Group discussion: “Advancing passive acoustic monitoring in Latin America”
** Registration through the SOLAMAC website http://solamac2018.com/
Fee for the workshop: US$15 for students; US$35 for professionals.
(to be added to the the general inscription fee for SOLAMAC)
For any further information, please contact us at lamlameeting@gmail.com<mailto:lamlameeting@gmail.com>.
Looking forward to seeing you in Lima!
Best wishes,
Organizing Committee
LAMLA Workshop - Listening for Aquatic Mammals in Latin America